Cheep Feed Organic Feed Difference Bdo

Wondering if organic chicken feed is better than non-organic feed? Your chicken's feed determines a lot of things. As such, choosing the right kind of feed becomes crucial. Fly Grubs offers the best chicken feed supplements that will help you raise a healthy flock.

The food you consume is crucial to your health. It has a direct impact on the outside and inside. As much as this applies to humans, it also applies to chickens. Choosing the correct feed for your chicken is one of the deciding factors of their healthy life.

The correct feed will:

  • Allow your chickens to reach maturity in good health.
  • Extend expected lifespan
  • Give them healthy constitutions
  • Help them sustain extremes of heat and cold
  • Boost their immune systems
  • Assist in the prevention of sickness
  • Facilitate optimum egg-laying
  • Improving the quality of their eggs
  • Allow your chickens to breed healthier chicks.

Chicken feed supplements can be organic and non-organic, but how do you pick one out of the two?

Fly Grubs is a leading chicken feed supplement company that can resolve your problems.  Read on to find out how.

organic chicken feed

Organic vs Non-Organic

What is Organic Feed?

Organic feeds, especially organic chicken feed, are subject to stringent regulations. It must contain organically cultivated grains, i.e., without the use of pesticides or any other chemicals. These grains cannot be grown or contaminated by genetically engineered seeds.

The organic chicken feed may contain non-organic micro-ingredients such as vitamins, minerals, salts, and amino acids like methionine. It must be free of medications, antibiotics, hormones, and the protein sources must be organic.

Producing organic chicken feed is an extremely time-consuming task. The seeds utilized and the ground on which they are grown must be certified organic. To raise and market the goods as organic, the producer must get organic certification.

Human labor is more demanding since pesticides are not utilized. The finished product must be transported and handled separately from regular food.

Sesame, molasses, certain fish meals, soybeans, maize, flaxseed meal, peas, barley, and sustainably grown wheat are some of the best examples of organic chicken feed. These are occasionally combined and fed to the flock.

Organic layer feed usually combines more seed, whole, or ground, unlike conventional feed.

What is Non-Organic Feed?

Any commercial feed source that isn't clearly labeled as organic is considered non-organic chicken feed. It's widely available in local supermarkets and might include GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms)

How do I Decide Which One is Ideal?

Several factors dictate which of the two - organic chicken feed or non-organic feed, is better. To be able to determine which one is more beneficial, it is vital to compare both their advantages and disadvantages on relevant product parameters like quality, GMO, chicken health, sourcing, etc.


Organic chicken feed has several benefits given its ingredients, sourcing, and manufacturing. Following are a few of them:

Healthier chickens

Your hens will be less prone to develop diet-related health problems since they won't be fed feed containing chemicals, poisons, or additives.

More nutritious

Organic chicken feed has a higher nutritional value. It has greater omega-3 levels.

Richer taste

Organic feed has a rich taste and better flavor than conventional feed. Why? It is grown and collected in a much more natural manner.

Safer for the planet

Organic feed does not pollute or adversely damage the land, water, or wildlife in the region because of its production process.

Safer for consumption

GMOs have been empirically demonstrated to induce immune system breakdown, organ damage, fertility problems, and accelerated aging. Resistance to antibiotics and allergies are potentially possible side effects.

If GMOs are included in the feed, the hens and individuals who eat their meat or eggs may be affected.

While the benefits of non-organic chicken feed supplements cannot be specifically pointed out, they can be definitely summarized. Non-organic feed is less expensive and more easily accessible. It may be supplemented with free-ranging and healthful rewards like eggshells and oyster shells. Your hens should have a long and fulfilling life and continue to produce high-quality, nutritional eggs.


While it is important to learn about the pros of organic chicken feed bulk, it is also vital to be aware of its disadvantages.

More expensive

Organic chicken feed is considerably more expensive than regular commercial feed due to limitations on supply, determining and processing labor requirements, and government certifications.

Furthermore, it is not always easy to find, and organic practices vary worldwide. Also, the organic feed range is limited.

Does Chicken Age Affect Your Choice of Feed and Ingredients?

Feeding your chicks with the right meals according to their age and at different stages plays a vital role in their growth and production. As your chicks mature, the types of feed they'll need will change a couple of times.

Chickens rapidly change from chicks to pullets throughout the eight weeks of their birth. Hence, you need to provide starter feed to your baby chicks for establishing and supporting their bone health and immunity. Make sure to start with crumbles as they are easy to peck and swallow. A healthy starter feed should be rich in proteins, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. Give your chicks starter feed for the first eight weeks, and slowly introduce them to grower feed. The grower feed should have a slightly lower protein content and calcium level. But it must include omega-3s and other essential nutrients to support digestion and health.

Once your pullets start laying eggs, you must begin transitioning them to a higher-calcium and protein-rich layer feed intended to help them lay healthy eggs. If you're raising a flock for their meat, you'll want a chicken feed with a higher protein content for strong muscles and to keep up their energy.

Chick grit, scratches, and similar chicken feed organic supplements help chicks, pullets, and hens in food digestion. Hence, you should only feed these treats in small amounts to help your flock engage their natural instincts for scratching and pecking. Ingredients like corn, whole wheat, and barley can encourage natural scratching and pecking while aiding digestion.

Essential Nutrients in Chicken Feed

Chickens require several nutrients in order to remain healthy and safe from illnesses. Some of the essential nutrients they need are

  • Amino acids like arginine, lysine, methionine, and tryptophan
  • Minerals like calcium, phosphorus, sodium, copper, iodine, iron
  • Vitamins like Vitamin A, vitamin D3, vitamin E, niacin, folic acid

Common Chicken Feed Ingredients

The ingredients of your chicken feed decide their nutritional level. Following are some of the ingredients commonly found in chicken feed with their pros or cons:

  • Maize: Maize is readily digested and has a low fiber content. It is high in protein, notably lysine, and sulfur-containing amino acids, and is utilized as a power source. It is also a good source of Vitamin A.
  • Fishmeal : Fishmeal is one of the best animal proteins for poultry.
  • Oyster-shell : Oyster-shell is a suitable alternative for limestone since it contains more than 38% calcium. It's extremely palatable too.
  • Barley : Due to its high fiber content, barley is not particularly appetizing and should not account for more than 15% of the diet.
  • Oat : Due to its high fiber content, oat is not very appealing. It should not account for more than 20% of the total proportion. It may aid in the prevention of hock problems, feather plucking, and cannibalism due to its manganese content.
  • Sorghum : Sorghum has a similar nutritional value to maize. However, it contains more protein, is more palatable, and could be used in place of maize. It is also high in some amino acids, but it is more expensive than other oil cakes.
  • Wheat : Wheat may be used in place of corn as a power source.
  • Wheat bran : It has a high fiber, manganese, and phosphorus content, making it heavy and laxative.
  • Pearl millet : It is a highly beneficial feed having a nutritional content equivalent to wheat.
  • Rice polish : This is an excellent cereal grain alternative that may be used up to 50% of the time. It is prone to go sour if stored in warmer conditions due to the high oil content.

Looking for High-Quality Chicken Feed?

If you keep searching for organic chicken feed near me, Fly Grubs is your answer. We are a flagbearer of high-quality chicken feed.

Our Black Soldier Fly Larvae are a high-protein chicken feed that contains 85 times the calcium of dried mealworms. They are also sustainable, organic grain-free feed that helps your chickens' immune system organically.

Our feed additives help strengthen eggshells and prevent egg deformity. They're a natural molting supplement that promotes healthier feathers and accelerates the molting process, allowing hens to restore vitality and regular egg production levels.

What's more? Fly Grubs is also one of the cheapest organic chicken feeds available in the market. With Fly Grubs feed supplements, you can say hello to healthy flocks!


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