How Can You Tell if You Have a Broken Hip

Could You Have a Hip Fracture and Not Know It?

Your thigh os is i of the strongest in your trunk, and it's pretty resilient. However, the upper section includes a ball-shaped knob that forms function of your hip socket, and information technology'due south susceptible to fractures if you take a hard fall or get into a car crash.

For young people, it takes extreme force to pause a hip, only the elderly seem to be more than vulnerable, specially if osteoporosis has weakened their bones.

At Tuscaloosa Orthopedic & Joint Institute in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, Dr. Bryan Rex and our squad specialize in diagnosing and treating all kinds of hip pain , including hurting caused by hip fractures. Hither'due south a closer look at what happens when yous break a hip.

My hip hurts — is it broken?

There are many reasons your hip may be hurting, so we start by asking you questions near recent events that may accept triggered the pain. If you lot haven't been involved in an accident or a fall, your hip probably isn't broken — but there are exceptions.

Bated from trauma, your hip pain could come up from osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, tendinitis, bursitis, or nerve impingement, such as sciatica.

If you've fallen or experienced another forceful trauma to the surface area, you may have sprained the ligaments, strained the muscles, dislocated your joint, torn the cartilage, or fractured your hip.

Weak bones tin fracture fifty-fifty without extreme trauma. Osteoporosis makes your basic more than porous and breakable, so fifty-fifty standing or walking can cause a break.

To identify the underlying crusade of your hip pain, Dr. King runs a series of diagnostic tests, including X-rays and perhaps an MRI.

Symptoms of a fractured hip

Your hip os is considered the upper portion of your femur (thigh os), and it tin suspension in any of iv primary areas:

  • The femoral head or ball at the pinnacle
  • The femoral neck only beneath the head
  • The intertrochanteric area beneath the neck
  • The subtrochanteric area below the intertrochanteric area

While hip fractures are nearly common amid older adults, young folks can also suffer a intermission in a traumatic accident or from repetitive stress, as in military preparation and long-altitude running.

Typically, the first sign of a hip fracture is extreme pain in the hip, upper thigh, and groin. The hurting is intense and prevents movement, such as standing, walking, or moving your upper leg in whatever direction.

Asymptomatic hip fractures

In some cases, hip fractures trigger misleading symptoms. You may feel slight pain in your groin, back, knees, thighs, or buttocks and be unable to identify the crusade.

If you have an asymptomatic hip fracture , y'all may be able to bear weight and walk without too much discomfort. This type of fracture may not even testify up on an Ten-ray. In this example, we employ an MRI to get more detailed information. An MRI takes images of hard and soft tissues and can detect smaller fractures.

Treatment for hip fractures

If you're young and salubrious, and your hip fracture is minor, you may be able to recover completely with rest, physical therapy, and medication. In many cases, nonetheless, surgical intervention is required.

When your hip breaks, it may stay inside the socket, and we may be able to stabilize the bone and joint past using pins and screws.

If your femoral neck has been displaced, or your fracture limits your everyday activities and doesn't respond to bourgeois treatments, you likely need a hip replacement.

This is a surgical procedure that involves a full replacement of your damaged basic and tissues with artificial substitutes fabricated of metal and ceramic. Virtually xc% of hip replacements concluding for about 10-15 years.

If y'all suspect you've broken your hip, it's important to come see Dr. King right away for a full exam and proper handling to prevent further damage. Schedule an engagement by calling 205-391-4440.


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