Tiwtch Overwatch How to Know if You Get Drops

Drops Guide


Twitch Drops enables y'all to grant in-game rewards to the Twitch community when streamers play your game or when they complete in-game missions, such as conquering a particularly difficult part of the game or by claiming victory during a battle royale game. Twitch Drops brings the Twitch community closer to your game, ultimately helping y'all acquire new players or re-engage your existing player base of operations.

The latest features of Drops provide a pregnant improvement in the viewer experience by:

  • Offering per-channel Drops prompts.
  • Requiring viewers to claim their Drop reward on Twitch.
  • Simply requiring business relationship connection after players merits a reward.
  • Providing a Drops home where streamers and viewers tin get more than details on a Drops campaign and the associated requirements and rewards.

Twitch Drops provides many features for your company to get started with minimal setup, thanks to a born Rules Engine and Entitlements Service. The Drops Rules Engine tracks viewer watch action, but distributing rewards based on the timeline you specify. Using the Enhanced Experiences (E2) API, you can gear up missions for streamers to complete in-game to trigger a Driblet to viewers watching the result live. For time-based Drops, you lot gear up the amount of time viewers need to watch the game on participating channels, and and so Twitch will handle tracking their progress. Once a rule has been satisfied by the viewer, or the missions accomplished by the streamer, viewers will be able to claim the Drops rewards and generate an entitlement. The Twitch Entitlements Service provides an easy-to-utilize interface to call up all viewers that earned rewards past participating in your campaigns.

Important Terms

Term Definition Example
Drops Campaign A collection of Drops that are distributed during a specified fourth dimension period. Drops inside a campaign must fall within the bounds of a campaign. Campaigns enable conditional driblet setups to reward the most loyal viewers of your content on Twitch. "Super Soccer 2022 Launch"
Drop A collection of rewards distributed to viewers based on a driblet rule during a specified time period. Limited Edition Soccer Balls
Drop Rule The conditions viewers or streamers must meet in order to trigger a drop to be claimed by viewers watching a alive aqueduct that participates in Twitch Drops. Time-Based: Watch for threescore minutes

Upshot Based: "Total Domination" - The streamer must score at to the lowest degree ten goals while the opposing team scores less than i goal.

Reward An item that is granted by the company to viewers who are entitled to it. Typically, these are either consumables (e.g. coins), items (east.g. skins) or keys (eastward.m. beta-access keys). "Ultimate Brawl"
Benefit Do good and Reward are interchangeable terms. Rewards are created in the Rewards Director and are surfaced as Benefits in the API. "398dnb-9kdlsnm-dasdfk2-doandbo3-onbm21"

The above Benefit ID is the Advantage ID of "Ultimate Ball".

Entitlement A record of a viewer earning a specific drop (and its associated rewards). "fb78259e-fb81-4d1b-8333-34a06ffc24c0"
Entrada Status Campaigns tin can be prepare to i of three states:

Disabled - The campaign is non visible on Twitch. Any fields tin be edited.

Test - The campaign is visible to Examination viewers. Any fields can exist edited.

Enabled - The entrada is visible to all viewers on Twitch and channels on the streamer allow list (or, all creators if no listing is specified). At that place are three states that are computed based on the dates of the campaign when a campaign is enabled:

  • Upcoming - The campaign is enabled but the start time has non passed.
  • Live - The entrada is enabled and the present time is betwixt the first and finish time.
  • Expired - The campaign is removed from Twitch considering the campaign end fourth dimension has elapsed.






Prerequisites and Setup

One time a developer inside your Twitch developer organization sets up Twitch Drops, campaigns tin can exist created and managed by anyone inside the organization.

Organisation and Game Setup

In social club to use Twitch Drops, you lot must have a Twitch Developer System and have claimed your Game that your Driblet rewards are associated with, which will exist distributed during alive campaigns when creators stream your game on Twitch. For more information, run into Organizations to get started.

Game ID

Yous volition need the numerical Twitch Game ID for your game to apply Drops. You can find your game ID by calling the Gaming API endpoint:

            roll              -H              'Client-ID: <your_client_id>'              \              -H              'Authorization: Bearer <your admission token>'              \              -X              Get              'https://api.twitch.television set/helix/games?proper noun=<exact_game_name>'                      

Create a Twitch Application for Drops

Drops uses the Twitch API to inform your game'due south identity and fulfillment services which Twitch viewers have authorized for you to grant rewards to their associated game accounts. You lot can use the same Twitch application to authenticate Twitch users with your account services and to access the Entitlements API. To create a Twitch application, come across the Get Started Guide for the Twitch API.

Whether yous are creating a new Twitch application or using an existing ane, you will need to identify which Organisation will be using the application for Drops from the application management page. Go to your Developer Applications list page and click the "Manage" button for the application you volition be using. On this application management page, use the "Organization" dropdown to select the advisable organization.

New Application for Drops

Next, make sure the client ID of your Twitch application is associated with your games on the Drops Settings folio. Look for the post-obit button on the "Drops Campaigns" tab of the Developer Console for your system.

Drops Settings button

Click the "Edit Details" button side by side to the game that will be using your Twitch application. Enter the Client ID of your Twitch awarding, which can be institute on its application management folio.

Business relationship Linking

In social club to merits in-game rewards, Twitch viewers will need to link their Twitch and game accounts.

In order to correctly link Twitch and game accounts:

  1. Ask viewers to log into your account arrangement
  2. Ask viewers to authorize your Twitch awarding with their Twitch account
  3. Store the Twitch account <> game account mapping

Annotation: Assuasive a user to authenticate with Twitchearlier your account login may result in the user thinking the account is connected when it is not!

Specifically, we recommend that you lot shop the following data:

  • Game Account ID
  • Twitch OAuth token
  • Twitch Refresh Token
  • Twitch User ID

While business relationship linking can be achieved in-game, we recommend hosting a webpage to let Twitch viewers link their accounts. You tin can add this URL to your reward configuration so that Twitch can redirect your viewers to the right account linking folio.

Y'all can read more near account linking with OAuth on the Twitch OAuth Guide.

Entitlements Management

EventSub Subscription

The drop.entitlement.grant subscription type sends a notification when an entitlement for a Driblet is granted to a viewer. For detailed information regarding this EventSub topic, see the Drib Entitlement Grant documentation.

Become Drops Entitlements API endpoint

This endpoint allows retrieval of entitlements that have been granted for a game, to a viewer, or both. For detailed information regarding this endpoint, see the Get Drops Entitlements documentation.

Update Drops Entitlements API endpoint

This endpoint allows updating the fulfillment status for a list of entitlements. For detailed data regarding this endpoint, see the Update Drops Entitlements documentation.

Tracking Entitlement Fulfillment Condition

Mostly, there are ii approaches to tracking fulfillment status:

Twitch-owned Developer-endemic
Remember entitlements that have been claimed (i.east. filter out entitlements that have already been fulfilled).

Using the API, update their condition to fulfilled after granting the item in-game.

Retrieve all entitlements and store them in your own database aslope their fulfillment status.

Update their status to fulfilled after granting the item in-game.

The following is the recommended integration menstruation:

  1. Register an EventSub subscription for your organization. You may choose to create a subscription at the private game or campaign level.

Hither is a sample system-level subscription condition for EventSub:

                          "status"              :                                          {                                          "organization_id"              :                                          "9001"              ,                                          }                                                  

Here is a sample game-level subscription condition for EventSub:

                          "condition"              :                                          {                                          "organization_id"              :                                          "9001"              ,                                          "category_id"              :                                          "9002"                                          }                                                  
  1. De-duplicate whatever entitlements sent to you over EventSub using the entitlement_id. We expect that there volition exist some duplication in the data sent over EventSub.
  2. When a user launches their game launcher, query the Get Entitlements API for all claims for the user with fulfillment_status = CLAIMED.
  3. Reconcile data that is received from EventSub besides every bit the Get Drops Entitlements API.
  4. Grant in-game items to the user.
  5. Update the fulfillment_status = FULFILLED on Twitch past using the Update Drops Entitlements API endpoint.



Field Type Description
benefit_id string Unique identifier for this do good. This is the ID that will be returned in the entitlements API.

This ID is the Reward ID that has been created in the Reward Manager.

proper name string Name displayed to users on Twitch.
description cord Description to be displayed to users on Twitch
image_asset image Epitome to be displayed to the users on Twitch
limit integer Number of times a viewer tin be entitled to the benefit.


Field Type Description
id string Unique identifier of the entitlement.
benefit_id string Identifier of the do good.
timestamp string UTC timestamp in ISO format when this entitlement was granted on Twitch.
user_id string Twitch User ID of the viewer who was granted the entitlement.
game_id string Twitch Game ID of the game being played when the benefit was entitled.
fulfillment_status string The fulfillment condition of the entitlement as determined past the game programmer. Valid values are "CLAIMED" or "FULFILLED".
updated_at string UTC timestamp in ISO format for when this entitlement was last updated.

Campaign Marketing Folio

You have the option of providing more information about your Twitch Drops Campaign by linking to a custom website, which will be available for the Twitch community to learn more than nigh the event yous are hosting. Typically this folio includes more data about your upshot and how Twitch Drops will be a cornerstone of your marketing plan. For case, yous may use Twitch Drops to drive viewers to spotter your weekly developer diary stream on an upcoming game. The marketing page tin can tell viewers about the stream event, and can likewise inform them of the exclusive item you plan to give away.

Rewards Managing director

Before creating Drops Campaigns, you can use the Rewards Manager to set up the rewards y'all will acquaintance to Drops that will be granted to Twitch viewers. Alternatively, yous tin can add rewards while creating Drops inside a campaign. When yous create rewards via the Drops management interface, they volition also exist placed within the Rewards Manager.

Create a Advantage

To create a reward, select the Rewards Manager within the Drops product via your Organization's Panel. Then, click the create new reward push to fill out the details of the particular you will accolade to viewers who consummate the Drops conditions (you'll set up these upward later inside a Drops Campaign).

Field Name Details and Usage Case
Reward Prototype This image will display inside the notification telephone call out when a Drop campaign is enabled, the streamer dashboard, and the inventory carte du jour UI when a viewer earns the reward. Information technology must exist a 160x160 px JPG or PNG, less than 1 MB in size. image of a shortsword
Advantage Proper name The English proper noun of the advantage. In the future, we will allow localized names for rewards. Ultimate Ball
Game The game this reward is associated with. Games in this list must be endemic by the organization and must have a Twitch Client mapped to it within Drops Settings. Super Soccer 2022
Reward Connection URL The URL viewers will go to link their Twitch account with your game'south identity service. Viewers expect that this identity link volition provide the access needed to have the reward delivered to them subsequently earning it on Twitch. https://supersoccer2022.com/link
iOS Based Reward If this reward is associated with an item that can exist used within an iOS app or game, this field must exist toggled to ON.

This will hide the Drops campaign on iOS devices. However, viewers' progress on iOS will nevertheless exist tracked and they would exist able to claim the reward on other platforms.

Advantage ID (optional) You can specify a unique ID for this reward, in instance your game's fulfillment service expects a certain identifier for the item granted. If you do not specify an ID, we will generate a GUID upon saving the reward on Twitch. 398dnb-9kdlsnm-dasdfk2-doandbo3-onbm21

This ID volition be surfaced every bit benefit_id in the API.

Later providing these details, saving the reward will arrive bachelor to whatever Drops added to a Drops campaign.

Create a Drops Campaign

To run a Drop on Twitch, yous will offset need to ready a Drops Campaign, which allows you to schedule several Drops in advance of the effect you'll host for the Twitch community. Prior to launch, campaign information will be displayed for creators, so they can ensure their streaming schedules align with your event. You tin sew together to seven Drops during a campaign, which tin can last for as long equally you want to run the outcome.

Log on to the Twitch Programmer Console and switch to your Organization's panel where yous will create the campaign. Under the Drops product, select Create Drop Entrada. Add the following information that will be displayed for creators before, during and after your campaign:

Field Name Details and Usage Example
Campaign Prototype This image will be displayed for both viewers and creators before, during and subsequently your entrada. It should visually summarize the event that your Drops will occur when creators stream your game on Twitch. It should be a 160x160px PNG or JPG and less than 1MB. image of a file box
Entrada Proper name This brief description gives streamers and viewers an overview of the entrada upshot. It can be no longer than 25 characters. "Super Soccer 2022 Launch"
Start Date & Fourth dimension, End Date & Time The duration of the campaign result. All of the Drops fix within the campaign must be within the time frame specified at the campaign level here. October 10th 2022 12:00PM (UTC) to November tenth 2022 12:00PM (UTC)

* Campaigns have a 28 day maximum elapsing.

Game The game category creators must stream in order for Drops to be present on their channel. When a creator goes alive during the entrada timeframe, viewers who visit the channel volition accept the ability to earn the Drops set up inside the campaign. Super Soccer 2022
Drops Connectedness URL The URL viewers must visit to link their Twitch account with your system which will fulfill the entitlements granted during the Drop Entrada.

*In cases where the business relationship link connectedness cannot be washed from a website, use this URL to link to detailed instructions on how to link the users Twitch and game accounts.

Drops Detail URL (Optional) You can gear up a marketing page to provide viewers and streamers more than data about the campaign event, the rewards that they could earn, and the weather required to earn the rewards. https://supersoccer2022.com/twitchdropslaunch
Description (Optional) This description is visible on the Drops folio inside the creator'southward dashboard. It should cover all of the details of the campaign to entice creators to play your game during the campaign fourth dimension period. Super Soccer 2022 is an arcade style soccer game that lets y'all play equally the game'south legends at the world's greatest stages… or at the public park. During October, nosotros'll be giving away sectional assurance that unlock certain capabilities within the game, exclusive to our fans on Twitch. Encounter you on the field!

Once y'all create the campaign, you'll exist taken to the Campaign Details page where you can encounter a preview of how your campaign information and rewards will be presented to creators and viewers earlier, during and afterwards the campaign.

Side by side, you volition fix Drops that will exist distributed to viewers during the campaign. You lot can add together upward to vii Drops, which tin can exist distributed during continuous or concurrent fourth dimension frames during the campaign. There are two types of Drops:

  • Fourth dimension-Based Drops: Viewers tin earn the rewards within the Driblet if they picket streams with Drops enabled during the Driblet fourth dimension period.
  • Upshot-Based Drops (Express Access): Viewers tin can earn the rewards within the Drop if they witness the creator complete certain missions within the game during the Drop fourth dimension period. This is powered past the Enhanced Experiences API, available in Limited Admission to select publishers and developers.

After adding the Drops to your campaign, you can test the campaign to ensure it is ready for your event, then enable the campaign for creators when the campaign kickoff time occurs.

Time-Based Drops

Time-Based Drops distribute rewards when viewers have watched a creator stream your game for a specified amount of time. Twitch monitors the corporeality of fourth dimension viewers spend across all channels streaming your game, so all you accept to do is fulfill the rewards they are entitled to.

Each participating streamer must connect their Twitch account with their game business relationship for an associated Drops campaign to exist active on their channel.

Add a fourth dimension-based Driblet to an existing campaign

Click on the Drops tab inside a campaign and click the push button to Create New Drib within the fourth dimension-based carte. Specify the name of the Drop and, optionally, provide culling dates during which this specific Driblet will be bachelor during the entrada. Y'all may wish to set one drop to occur during one calendar week of a four week menstruation, a second drop during calendar week 2, etc.

In one case you create the Drop, you'll be taken to the Rules tab of the Drop to set the amount of time viewers must watch a creator streaming the game to earn the Drop Rewards. After selecting a time period, all you have to do is add the items to distribute when the status has been met, and so you are prepare for testing.

Time-based Drops support setting prerequisite Drops that must exist completed and claimed get-go before unlocking the power to brand progress toward another drop. Please see the Provisional Drops section for more than details.

Note: We recommend setting the spotter time long plenty for viewers to become a sense of the game, simply not too much time that would demotivate them from earning your reward. Drops are limited to durations between a minimum of 15 minutes and a maximum of 4 hours.

Add Rewards

Rewards are the items yous will distribute to viewers after they take watched channels within the game category for the time specified in the Rules tab. You can add together upwardly to 3 rewards to a campaign, all of which will be dropped upon completion of the rule. You can add rewards either in-line during the Drop creation, or from the Advantage Manager.

Rewards tin can be anything from in-game items (e.m. a limited edition ball), consumable items (e.thou. coins or points) or access to a game (e.chiliad. beta access via a straight entitlement). Most Drops users distribute exclusive rewards you tin only get on Twitch, distributing more than rare items based on the difficulty of the dominion specified.

Exam the Drop

Nosotros strongly encourage testing any Drib earlier you activate it as part of a Drops Entrada. To make sure your event is kept a surprise to the community, y'all can use two access lists to limit the number of accounts who can preview the Drib before it goes alive to all viewers and creators.

one. Specify Exam Viewers and Creator Access

Click on the Access tab within a campaign and y'all will see two sections: Exam Viewers and Creator Campaign Access. Exam Viewers can participate in drop campaigns when the campaign condition is in the test state. To specify exam viewer(s), input their username(south) within the Test Accounts.

Creator Entrada Access allows you to specify creators whose communities can participate in your drib entrada. To specify creator(southward), make certain Available for allow list channels is checked and the creator(s) username is entered amongst the Let List Channels. The allow list is only valid when the entrada status is in exam or active state.

Using 1 of the accounts that volition watch your test stream, test out your business relationship linking flow.

iii. Stream on a linked streamer account

Start streaming on Twitch using the streaming account you linked previously.

four. Merits the drop with a test viewer and creator channel

Test that the user is able to merits an entitlement on Twitch.

5. Verify the Entitlement was granted by Twitch

When a viewer claims a Drop, you can call the Entitlements API to become viewer entitlement data.

six. Laurels a test Entitlement to the Twitch viewer

Make sure you are able to process entitlements and track fulfillment for your test users.

seven. Grant item in-game

Exam that the user is able to claim an entitlement in-game.

Event-Based Drops

Event-Based Drops trigger when the streamer completes a prepare of weather condition (i.e. missions) you specify within the rules engine. For example, you can reward viewers with a limited edition weapon when the streamer wins a match without taking whatsoever harm.

Note: This capability is powered by the Enhanced Experiences API, which requires allowlisting to access. Please see the Enhanced Experiences documentation to larn more than about information technology.

Add together an event-based drop to an existing campaign

Inside a Drops Campaign, select Drops and add a new Event-Based Drop. In one case you create the Drop, y'all'll be automatically navigated to the Rules tab. Here you lot'll set upwardly the event-based dominion that must be satisfied to trigger the Drop to viewers on Twitch.

Prepare upwards an event-based rule

Event-Based rules require a Twitch Application Customer to be allowlisted for access to E2. Select the E2 Client that the rules engine should expect a game state payload from to match against the rule specified within this grade. The following table describes the remaining fields required to complete the rule setup:

Field Proper noun Details and Usage Example
Mission Name On Twitch, the community knows the Drop occurs during an consequence when a notification appears that the streamer must complete a "mission" to earn the rewards for the event.

The mission proper name is the brusque description for the mission to be completed by the streamer. This will be visible in their upcoming campaigns list, and likewise will exist visible in the preview notification sent to viewers watching a live stream with the Campaign Enabled.

"Total Domination"
Mission Description The mission description describes the land that must be detected by E2 (and thus, the set of conditions that the creator must pass) to trigger the drib. This mission is shown to creators within the campaign details folio on the creator dashboard. "The streamer must score at least 10 goals while the opposing team scores less than 1 goal."
Drop Claim Duration The amount of time the viewer has to claim the Driblet after the mission has been completed by the creator streaming the game on Twitch. We recommend the default two minute resource allotment set within this form. 2 minutes
Event Rule(south) Each effect rule is a pairing of a game state, a conditional operator, and value associated to the game country. You can add multiple event rules to a single Drop, which will likely make the mission harder to complete for the streamer.

All rules must exist satisfied to trigger the Drib.

Dominion 1: RedTeamScore is greater than or equal to 10

Dominion 2: BlueTeamScore is less than or equal to 1

JSON Entry for Rule Validation Based on the event rules specified, this field will motorcar populate a sample game-country JSON payload to send via the E2 API. Developers must submit this set of central-value pairs exactly to trigger the Driblet, simply they can be alongside several other key-value pairs that describe the rest of the game state. {
  "RedTeamScore": five,
  "BlueTeamScore": 4,
  "GreenTeamScore": 10

After filling out the rule, salve changes and it will be bachelor for testing when the entrada is in the examination condition. If yous filled out this section on behalf of your development or platform team, be certain to transport them the JSON entry generated after saving changes to ensure the drop triggers successfully when the creator completes the mission.

Add together Rewards

As with fourth dimension-based drops, you lot tin can add upward to three rewards to exist distributed once the upshot-based rule is satisfied by the creator. These rewards tin be added in-line or via the reward manager. Rewards can be earned a maximum of v times per Driblet if desired.

Test the Drop

Equally with time-based drops, the testing flow is similar: after setting the entrada into the exam condition, you will watch a testing channel with a test viewer account and await the rule status to be met. You can test the Drop trigger by actually completing the condition in the game (thus sending the correct payload via the Enhanced Experiences API), or simulating the game state by sending the correct payload past posting to the Enhanced Experiences API directly. In either case, the game land upshot should trigger the drop claim notification; challenge the entitlement volition update the Entitlements API endpoint with the associated viewer and drop earned.

Sending a examination game state to the Enhanced Experiences API

                          {              "connect":{              "token":"xyz2j1sjzo8mhmbczowue123pqrst","session_id":"{4022E85A-X782-9613B-23E1-5A3773FFACDC}","game_id":"123456",              "data":{{              "RedTeamScore":5,"BlueTeamScore":four,"GreenTeamScore":x}}}                      

Provisional Drops Campaigns

Within a Campaign, you lot can concatenation together Drops of the same type to create a conditional Drops pattern, which y'all can utilise to award increasingly rare items as the community completes more than difficult challenges. This feature is also useful to encourage more than interaction with a campaign past requiring more touch points and claim events for the user as they consummate the different Drops in a campaign.

To set up a Conditional Drop Campaign, select a Drop within your campaign and, under Drop Details, toggle the Drop Condition and then select which Drop must exist triggered before this Drib is available to viewers next.

Note: Conditional Drops that have repeatable rewards are non supported and not recommended for configuration.

Sample Campaign Structure

screen shot of the file structure

Using the Drop Dependency Tool

Yous tin can use the specific tool to visually specify the conditional pattern Drops will follow during the entrada. Select the Drops tab inside the Drops Campaign and click the button to Modify Drop Dependency to get started.

In the interface that pops up, you tin can click and elevate drops, or use the pointer icons, to create a dependency blueprint. A Drop Entrada tin can merely have upwards to seven drops. In other words, Consequence-Based Drops cannot be dependent on time-based Drops.

Enabling a Drops Campaign

Once you take added the Drops to the campaign and tested them within your company, you are set to go alive! Click Change Status to select the Enabled state. You lot will see a preview sheet of the campaign, which you tin utilize as a last minute checklist for the details and drops you accept set upwards for this campaign.

Once y'all set the status to enabled, y'all volition see one of iii states:

State Visibility Campaign Edit Restrictions
Upcoming: The showtime time is in the future. Creators volition be able to view campaign details in the creator dashboard. Campaign details can be changed.

The start appointment can be moved up to the present.

Live: The start time is in the past and the end time is in the future. Creators volition be able to view the campaign details in the creator dashboard.

Viewers volition run into the game has Drops Enabled in the Twitch directory.

Channels streaming the game live will prove Drops Enabled.

Viewers following streamers that go live with your title that has a campaign enabled will receive a notification encouraging them to tune in.

The campaign can no longer move to a disabled or testing state.

Merely changes to metadata such as campaign/reward names, URLs, descriptions or the allowlist can be made in this state. Changes to Drops or Driblet rules are non possible.

Expired: The end time is in the by. The campaign will be hidden from all views. Any rewards earned past viewers volition remain within their inventory, if they take earned them or claimed them already. No changes can be made to any campaign or driblet details.

Running a Successful Drops Campaign

A Drops campaign is most effective in conjunction with a marketing that drives involvement to your campaign on Twitch. Throughout your game'south lifecycle, you can utilise Drops campaigns to attract new player interest in your title, or reward your most loyal fans. Here are a few tips to ensure your Drops entrada resonates with the Twitch community and excite your player base.

Create a Gaming Moment

Run a Drops entrada during a major moment for your game, such as its globe premiere, beginning of open beta, or the release of a new trailer. With Twitch Drops, viewers tin link their account to your identity system in advance of your game's launch. Yous can seed viewer excitement with exclusive content that they volition accept available at Day one of launch.

Be Thoughtful with your Campaign and Advantage Names

Clear naming of your campaign and entrada rewards make for a better experience for users. Consider using nomenclature your community is familiar with so there is a articulate understanding of what the campaign is, and what rewards can exist earned. Equally an example, a campaign name of "The Cool Game Winter Challenge Upshot" where you can earn "500 Super Gems" clearly illustrates what entrada is running and what rewards viewers can earn.

Limit the Number of Campaigns You Create

We have seen that having many concurrent global Drops campaigns running at the same time does not create a good user experience on Twitch, and in fact, causes user confusion and dilutes your message. We have besides seen increased Customer Service activity for game developers when at that place are multiple campaigns running, with users reaching out to enquire about individual rewards that they did non receive. If you lot do want to run multiple campaigns at the aforementioned time, we recommend having at most ii campaigns on a aqueduct at a time, with one global entrada and i channel specific campaign.

With Event-Based Drops, you tin challenge creators to bear witness off their skills and showcase the all-time of your game to the earth. When a creator earns that difficult fought victory, completes a devastating level or beats a major boss, you can trigger a Drib to generate a large moment around your game.

Brand Drops Rewarding

To make the biggest impact for your Drops Campaign, providing the rewards that excite your community is disquisitional to achieving success. Creating exclusive rewards such as beta access or a unique skin that tin can merely be accomplished through Drops volition drive your audience to participate and attract new potential fans.

Exist the First to Requite News and Updates

Many developers use Twitch to showcase the latest updates in their game as part of a regular diary stream. Yous can set Twitch Drops to be bachelor during these streams, driving viewership to your show while showing off your latest release.


How long do I need to support a user challenge a Driblet and linking their account after claiming for fulfillment?

In nigh circumstances, developers are required to fulfill viewer rewards that claim and link their accounts at to the lowest degree 14 days from the entrada catastrophe. For sure fourth dimension sensitive campaigns, such equally a limited time beta, this requirement may exist waived.

Will Twitch Drops increase the rank of my game in the Twitch directory?

In conjunction with a strategic marketing campaign, Twitch Drops are effective in enticing creators to play your title and motivate viewers to check out your game on Twitch. We recommend working with our creators in advance of the campaign to make sure they tin can show off the all-time of your game during the Drops Entrada. We also recommend using other social channels to inform viewers about the Drop in advance.

How exercise I view entrada analytics for my Drop Campaigns?

You can access analytics on your Drops campaign 48 hours later your Drops campaign has concluded. For more information on Drops Analytics, see the Analytics tab in your Drops developer console.

Where tin can I go support for Drops?

We recommend reading the Twitch Developer Playbook to see how Drops fits in as part of a broader ready of strategies to grow your game'south engagement on Twitch.

To become boosted support, see this page for all the resources bachelor to you, including access to our Developer Forums and Developer Discord.

How do I remove an account link?

Since account linking is maintained by you, you volition need to remove links betwixt a Twitch account and a game business relationship. We also recommend that you lot likewise revoke the OAuth access token.

What type of rewards can I give out?

While nosotros do non accept specific recommendations on the types of rewards to give out, we practice recommend that y'all avoid stackable/transferable Drops items, as this encourages farming behavior in which viewers create multiple accounts and watch different channels from multiple browser windows.

How exercise I handle account de-linking past users?

It is important to think about how to handle users disconnecting their Twitch business relationship from your game account. To check if a user has asunder their business relationship, you can check the validity of their OAuth token.

Here are some recommendation on to handle business relationship relinking past users:

  • Remove in-game entitlements for any game user accounts who unlink their account, in order to discourage them from farming for the same advantage using unlike Twitch accounts.
  • Any user that has linked their Twitch account to their game business relationship and fulfilled in game content cannot relink the same Twitch business relationship to a 2d game business relationship and fulfill the same in-game item.
  • A user who has linked their Twitch account to their game account cannot fulfill additional in-game content past unlinking and linking another entitled Twitch account to the same game account.
  • A user who has linked their Twitch account to their game business relationship cannot transfer fulfilled goods to another game account (due east.1000. Steam market, transfer content to some other game account).

How do I handle banned/suspended Accounts?

If an account is banned or suspended, the OAuth token is invalidated. Please check the validity of a user's (streamer or viewer) OAuth token before granting in-game items.


Source: https://dev.twitch.tv/drops/

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